Monday, June 2, 2008

Pennsylvania-- the prettiest place in America

(This is a picture of my good luck elephant from heidi. Yes, I took this picture while driving-- I'm a rebel.)

Seriously, folks. I love Pennsylvania. Maybe anything would seem this pretty after the long, tedious, journey through Ohio... but PA is probably the greatest place on earth.

I wish I had noticed this computer in the lobby last night. But after a 9 hour drive and an all carb dinner at the Cracker Barrel (classy, I know), I was tuckered out.

Today it's 6 1/2 hours to Virginia Beach where I will stay with my Uncle Jim. The drive hasn't been bad at all. I've been listening to "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" By Jonathan Safran Foer (forgive the misspelling if there is one) and I find that I'm not lonely or bored at all.

I'm also not tired, but I drank like 3 redbulls, so it could have something to do with that.

I promise there will be more interesting posts to come... but right now I must get on the road if I plan to get to my Uncle's by 4:30.

But here's a haiku about Ohio:

Ohio looks small
Like a torn piece of paper
but then, nothing's clear



Robot Octopus said...
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Robot Octopus said...

Ohio, O hi
o you are a sassy bitch
Ohio Goodbye