Monday, June 9, 2008

We didn't start the fire....

There is a wild fire burning somewhere inland and everything in the whole state smells like smoke. Every morning there is a smokey haze over the OBX, sometimes ash falls from the sky in Manteo (where Andy Griffith lives). Even this library smells like it had a small fire. But I can't complain. I'm just so excited to have found a computer today so I could finally update my blog and check my e-mail. I never realized how reliant I was on computers until I didn't have one. Okay, that's a lie, I did realize it.

I've been in the OBX with my grandma since last Wednesday and it's been a busy leg of my trip. I've met about a hundred people who all claim to be close personal friends of my Grandma, Lorraine ("Larry" as they call her). It's hard to keep track with a woman this popular. Every day there are people to visit, dinners to attend, cocktail hours to hold and miles and miles of beach to explore. This morning my grandma lead her water aerobics class, which is three times a week. I went and could barely keep up. She's in pretty good shape for 84 years old.

They've been having a heat wave down here. It's been around 90 every day. The pool felt good this morning, but I'm anxious to move on to cooler pastures. Although I hear it hasn't been much better in Milwaukee-- and flash floods to boot. I swear, sometimes the earth seems to be trying to shake us off like fleas.

Next on the agenda is Norfolk, then Washington DC, then Cleveland, then home. Washington is a new addition to the trip plans. I'm looking forward to seeing the Holocaust Museum and the Smithsonian, which has a new Native American museum that is supposed to be outstanding. I've never been there before, so it's the think I'm most looking forward to.

1 comment:

Robot Octopus said...

Hi Lisa, I read your blog.

With my eyes and into my brain.